Career Coach - Schedule or Access a Meeting

Career Coach – Schedule or Access a Meeting

Situation: A student has requested information on how to access or schedule a meeting with a career coach through CSU-Global.


Please direct the student to take the following steps:

  1. Login to the student Portal
  2. On the menu, click Career Center (halfway down)
  3. Click the big blue Login Here button in the middle of the screen
  4. If this is the first time accessing  then signing up is required. If it is not the first time, skip this step.
  5.  First Name / Last Name & email is already filled out. Program, Major and Classification all need
    to be selected. Then click Save.
  6.  On the left hand menu, select Career Coaching (halfway down)
  7.  A new dropdown menu will appear on the same menu bar, select Schedule an Appointment
  8.  Filter as desired, or simply scroll through the appointments. When the student finds one that they
    like, they can click the name.
  9.  Fill out the required information to schedule an appointment. Confirmation should be sent to the
    students email address. A Career Coach will follow up with their own email containing either an
    online conferencing Zoom link, a phone number, or a request to coordinate with the student.
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